Our first multi-stage Dockerfile
The objective here is to try to use multi-stage images in practice. To this end we will change our Dockerfile to:
give a nickname to the first stage: compiler
add a second stage using the same ubuntu base image
add the hello binary to the second stage
make sure that CMD is in the second stage
Mulit-stage Docker file: example¶
Here is the final Dockerfile:
FROM ubuntu AS compiler
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y build-essential
COPY hello.c /
RUN make hello
FROM ubuntu
COPY --from=compiler /hello /hello
CMD /hello
docker build -t hellomultistage .
and now we can test:
docker run hellomultistage
Home work¶
List our images with docker images, and check the size of:
The ubuntu base image,
The single-stage hello image,
The multi-stage hellomultistage image.
We can achieve even smaller images if we use smaller base images ( i.e. Apline etc )