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Publishing images to the Docker hub

Now that we have built our first images, we can publish them to the Docker Hub!

Logging into our Docker Hub account

docker login

This requires an account on the Docker Hub ( which is free as well as storing the images it is free ). So if you have one you can try a thus you'll see a output like this:

Login with your Docker ID to push and pull images from Docker Hub. If you don't have a Docker ID, head over to to create one.
Username: spiga
WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /home/tutor5/.docker/config.json.
Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See

Login Succeeded

Tagging an image to push it on the Hub

Docker images tags are like Git tags and branches, like bookmarks pointing at a specific image ID.

Tagging an image doesn't rename an image: it adds another tag. When pushing an image to a registry, the registry address is in the tag.

  • Example:

    • spiga/test is
    • ubuntu is

Let's tag our myfiglet image

Or please do it with any other image you like. Let's look for the image to tag:

$docker images 

REPOSITORY                    TAG               IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
myfiglet                      latest            cabcb70593be   15 seconds ago   103MB
mycontainerizedapp            latest            b64faab26e8f   30 hours ago     147MB
python                        3.7-slim-buster   867339bd5033   2 weeks ago      113MB
ubuntu                        18.04             81bcf752ac3d   3 weeks ago      63.1MB   v0.0.22           bcd131522525   5 weeks ago      1.09GB
ubuntu                        latest            7e0aa2d69a15   7 weeks ago      72.7MB

Ok let's tag the myfiglet

docker tag myfiglet spiga/myfiglet

and check what's happening now:

docker images 
REPOSITORY                    TAG               IMAGE ID       CREATED              SIZE
myfiglet                      latest            cabcb70593be   About a minute ago   103MB
spiga/myfiglet                latest            cabcb70593be   About a minute ago   103MB
mycontainerizedapp            latest            b64faab26e8f   30 hours ago         147MB
python                        3.7-slim-buster   867339bd5033   2 weeks ago          113MB
ubuntu                        18.04             81bcf752ac3d   3 weeks ago          63.1MB   v0.0.22           bcd131522525   5 weeks ago          1.09GB
ubuntu                        latest            7e0aa2d69a15   7 weeks ago          72.7MB

Ok so we are ready to push it on Dockerhub

docker push spiga/myfiglet 
and the output will look like something this one

Using default tag: latest
The push refers to repository []
f0f9028d0afb: Pushed 
3ee587de5e03: Pushed 
2f140462f3bc: Mounted from library/ubuntu 
63c99163f472: Mounted from library/ubuntu 
ccdbb80308cc: Mounted from library/ubuntu 
latest: digest: sha256:ec988085cd4d5efa6bdb5b26a3694eff2c6e26032521c4b6cb248b4efb0f5f51 size: 1365

Ok, very good! That's it!

Anybody can now docker run spiga/myfiglet anywhere.

Quick check

Now if we remove the image on local filesystem and the we get it back from the registry ( DockerHub ) we can see how it works and we close the loop.


To remove the image : docker rmi IMAGE ID. To get the IMAGE ID just use docker images

docker pull spiga/myfiglet

Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from spiga/myfiglet
345e3491a907: Already exists 
57671312ef6f: Already exists 
5e9250ddb7d0: Already exists 
d9dac9d5417f: Pull complete 
bdf8f857644c: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:ec988085cd4d5efa6bdb5b26a3694eff2c6e26032521c4b6cb248b4efb0f5f51
Status: Downloaded newer image for spiga/myfiglet:latest
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